Monday, August 8, 2016

Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice 2016

Was I alarmed at the thought of watching this movie; YES...did I wait as long as I thought was feasibly possible for my curiousities sake? YES Did I hate it, YES; did I love it  YES YES....

Batman is my favorite "superhero"...
That being said; 
Was Ben a great actor in this? No; he's not a great actor so being Batman does not make him one; and I did not appreciate his interrpretaion of what I assume he feels is how Batman should be. He showed the uglier side of Batman; he showed the criminal. 
This is theguy everyone wishes they could be at least once in their life for the sake of revenge; but no one is willing to be this raw of a person; or does not have the financial means to carry out such criminal behaviors. Did I find him interesting? Did I watch; waiting for his next move? Yes; so he played the part with conviction; and might have been his first grown-up role in a movie. :) 
Moving on to Superman; I just dig this guy Henry Cavill. He is handsome and charming; also played as Napoleon Solo in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015); Man of Steel of course and The Tudors. He capture's America's hero well; always has. There is just something about him in this where again; we see an EVIL side; a dark side to Superman. IT WAS GREAT to see!! Cavill 
is a wonderful Superman and I know that Christopher Reeve would be proud of this man's portrayal as SUPERMAN.
Lots of destruction; swings and misses; kicks and one liners; This movie is worth seeing; but honestly wait until you can rent from a spot or on Netflix. I give it 3.5 out of 5 star rating.